Thursday, October 11, 2012

Love my Husband

We had a big shake up in our life this week, my husband quit his job after 10 years!  He has actually worked for the company for 16 years but has had a few other jobs in between.  I wondered how he was feeling, if he would be devastated by his decision.  He would be considered a workaholic, he has dedicated so much time and energy into this company.  I do not know anyone who works as hard as he does, it has been an argument many times between us, about how much times he spends at work and away from the family.  I have wondered sometimes where his loyalties lied.  I know that he was working hard for our family trying to provide a good life for us, but we missed him, and I have sometimes been resentful for carrying the load at home.

I realized though that I haven't told him often enough about how much I appreciate him and all of the sacrifices he has made in the name of our family.  We haven't had a real family vacation in over 5 years, he hasn't went fishing in probably 3 years one of his favorite things to do.  I am hoping that this new leaf will allow us to enjoy each other more, and for him to enjoy his life, because the poor guy hasn't really had a break!

I really love my hubby!!  It is uncertain times for us because he doesn't have another job as of yet but I know that he will do amazing whatever he does and I am glad that he is making decisions that will be good for him in the long run!!


  1. Oh goodness, what a tough decision to make! My husband lost his job of about 24 years to downsizing this May. It is a huge company and the cuts are still coming. It took nearly four months for him to find a job. Since he was let go, he has suffered from guilt, a whole lot of insecurity, and a quite a bit of bitterness. Either way, being without a job is not easy to get used to. I hope he remembers to take some time to do the things he wants before another job takes all his free time away.

  2. Changing it up every now and then is a good thing. It helps you grow and gain new experiences. Best wishes (to both of you) on your next adventure in life!

  3. Give him a big hug and a high five! It takes a lot for anyone, but a man especially, to come to that decision. My husband and I have been talking a lot about spending your entire life working at something either you don't really enjoy, or the enjoyment is sucked right out of it by all the politics that go along with the occupation. I'll definitely keep your family in my prayers. :)

  4. Sounds like my husband Penny... he had his own business for 29 years. A definite workaholic and the family suffered but he just didn't want to work for anyone else. It sounds like yours has a solid work ethic so will have no trouble getting a job. Hang in there. He needs your support. Things will get better.

  5. That takes a lot of courage but it sounds like it is the best thing for you and your family. Work to live, not live to work. I hope it goes well and he gets out to fish again soon! Thinking of you Penny x

  6. Penny, this really struck me. Your husband out earning a living to support your family. You home taking care of the immediate needs of the family. So many layers of care and giving, yet still not a lot of time together in and among all that care and giving. I am sure the decision did not come easily or lightly to your family. Here's to the next chapter! And may you all land in a better place, complete with fishing :-)


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