One of the reasons that I wanted to learn how to do Viking knit was because I wanted to pair beads and gemstones with the knit, I have seen several of these variations in different magazines and loved it and couldn't wait to do it myself. Late Saturday night I made this piece. I like the way it came out but I am going to be looking for better bead cap covers to fit on the end of the Viking knit wires.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Double Viking Knit
Last Saturday I took a class at B-Dekk Beads in Calgary from a lovely lady Candace Prather. Candace is a wonderful teacher and took us through the beginning steps of making a double viking knit necklace or bracelet. I have wanted to take this class for a very long time I just love the way the viking knit bracelet's look and wanted one for my own. We started off with a dowel and 20 gauge wire, we made a flower that we attached it to the top of the dowel and taped it. I realize that the picture is a bit blurry and I apologize for that, I need to develop my picture taking skills. After that we weave the 20 gauge wire through the flower to make our knit. It takes quite a long time to end up with the finished product, my hubbie actually asked if there was a machine that could do the work for me. I said there would be no fun in that, and then it wouldn't be handmade. After you have finished doing the knitting and you have the desired length you then cut off the wire from your dowel and use your draw plate for the finished effect, it is really quite amazing with what you end up with.
I had to wait until yesterday before I could finish off my project because I didn't have a draw plate, I visited Candace yesterday and she sold me one that she had made herself, I couldn't wait to get home last night and give it a try and it worked beautifully. I even brought some black wire yesterday to do a bracelet for my Aunt. I am really excited by this new skill I have learned and can't wait to start making some different variations. I have included a picture of the bracelet that I have make for myself, I am not too sure about the beads that I have used, but I guess I need to look around for some more big holed beads.
Here's my finished bracelet, now to find something to wear today so that I can show it off. Hope you are all having a great weekend! Take care.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Winners in the House
Congratulations to the following winners on two great giveaways!
The Imposters Daughter
The winners have been contacted and have 48 hours to respond with their addresses.
The Imposters Daughter
The winners have been contacted and have 48 hours to respond with their addresses.
Friday, August 13, 2010

My girls and I made cupcakes today! My oldest daughter asked for them yesterday and I promised we would do it today. We are going over to Mama and Papa's house today so this is a perfect treat to bring. I love icing so needless to say there was lots of fingers being poked into the icing bowl. I don't know if I can compete with one of the bakeries but my icing sure turned out well, we will have to see what my parents think.
I am also trying to improve my picture taking abililities, so hopefully these don't look to bad.
What do you think of my yummy morsels?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
The Versatile Blogger Award
I was awarded the Versatile blogger award. Yippeeeee!!!!!
Thanks so much to WV Stitcher you made my week.
Here's how this award works:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award along to 15 bloggers who you have recently discovered and who you think are fantastic for whatever reason! (In no particular order...)
4. Contact the bloggers you've picked and let them know about the award.
Seven things about me
1. My favorite color is yellow.
2. I love going out for supper, I like to try little restaurants that are off the beaten path, mom and pop places that are not part of a chain. Because I have two little girls McDonald's or Chicken Donald's as they call it is the only place I go to these days, but I can dream of dining out!!!
3. I have three children, one husband and a chocolate lab, I would have more dogs but our house just isn't big enough. I think that I will always have a dog there is just something about having a dog that gives me comfort and they always offer unconditional love.
4. I love to make jewelry and read books.
5. I love lazy Sunday mornings.
6. I would love to travel to Italy and stay for a month or two.
7. I drink way to much Coffee.
Now to pass on the award, these are some blogs that I have been fortunate to find while blog hopping:
1. Little Village Naturals
2. Sueberry Lane
3. Sanity is Overrated
4. Grits
5. Teresa's Reading Corner
6. Money Saving Mom Canada
7. Wise Owl Review
8. A Sea of Books
9. Alison's Book Marks
10. Blog O' The Irish
11. Business as UNusual
12. Kelley's Bead Studio
13. Lorelei's Blog
14. Pretty Things
15. Julsbeads
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